Today I'm happy to welcome my fellow HarperCollins Deb, Cindy Pon, and her debut novel SILVER PHOENIX:

On the day of her first betrothal meeting - and rejection - Ai Ling discovers a power welling deep within her. She can reach into other people's spirits, hear their thoughts, see their dreams...and that's just the beginning.

Ai Ling has been marked by the immortals; her destiny lies in the emperor's palace, where a terrible evil has lived, stealing souls, for centuries. She must conquer this enemy and rescue her captive father, while mythical demons track her every step. And then she meets Chen Yong, a young man with a quest of his own, whose fate is intertwined with hers. Here is a heart-stopping, breathtaking tale for fans of action, fantasy, and romance - of anything the making of a legend.

Whew! Doesn't that sound intense??? That's what reviewers are saying. And Ai Ling is a kick-ass heroine, my favorite kind!

Okay, so here we go, Cindy! Feel free to elaborate as much as you want (except for the one-word BONUS question):

1) Would you rather be the Bestselling Rockstar Author or an Acclaimed Literary Award Winner?

tough choice, i want readers to enjoy reading what i have written. that is all.

2) Make people laugh, cry, or hide under the covers?

laugh and cry!

3) Retire early or just keep writing from your beach house(s)?

i'd love to keep writing from my beach house!!

4) FaceBook or MySpace?

FB. myspace still confuses me!

5) After a period, one space or two?

two for novels! one for blog posts!

And your bonus question: What ONE WORD of advice would you give to any aspiring writer?


thanks for having me, kimberly!!

To find out more about Cindy and her books (and her beautiful brush art!), check out her website at! And you can watch the gorgeous book trailer here!!!


PJ Hoover saidā€¦
Awesome interview! I'm dying to read this book!
Kimberly Derting saidā€¦
Me too, PJ. I actually JUST got it in the mail and the cover is so beautiful! Of course, my TBR pile is gigantic, but it may bump its way up the list a little!!!
PurpleClover saidā€¦
It is on my TBR list! I promise!
Heidi Willis saidā€¦
Yay Cindy! Congrats!

I love hearing about debut novelists, and about their books. I think sometimes it takes so much to break into this world, the first books are incredibly creative and strong.

This one looks like no exception.

My mind is swirling from the intricacies of it!
Christy Raedeke saidā€¦
I am in LOVE with the trailer for this book!
Kimberly Derting saidā€¦
Okay, Christy reminded to post the book trailer link. If the link doesn't work, cut and paste this:

It really is an awesome trailer!
lisa and laura saidā€¦
This trailer is unbelievable. I'm so jealous. The book looks fabulous. Can't wait to read.
Katie Anderson saidā€¦
I have seen this book everywhere! I love the cover! I must go find and read.
cindy saidā€¦
thank you, kimberly! =D