A Winding Road

This latest re-run post is scheduled to be a post on the incredible roller-coaster journey that is publishing.

But before we get started, I have news (and I LOVE NEWS!):

The fabulous duo that we call LiLa, has just announced that they will see their book, THE HAUNTING OF PEMBERLY BROWN, on bookstore shelves in Spring 2011. YAY, LiLa! You girls rock!!!!!!

So in honor of publishing news, here's a look back at my journey (so far):

1) How I Found My Agent...

2) I'm Getting Published!!! (One of my favorite moments was *finally* being able to make this announcement...three months after the sale!)

3) Getting "The Call"

4) My Road To Publication (Notice that it lists the OLD release date since I wrote this post back in February...so many things have happened since then, but this is a great timeline of the process from sale through edits.)

5) My Sad News, With A Silver Lining... (The day I learned my release date was pushed back six months.)

6) Some really Cool Stuff...

7) In My Husband's World (What my Acknowledgment's Page would look like if my husband had written them.)

But here's the thing: you always expect it to get easier. If only I could get an agent...If only I got published...If only they sold foreign/audio/film...

The "What-ifs" are endless. There's always another hurdle, another goal. Like I said, it's a roller coaster. A thrill ride. And sometimes, when I least expect it, I get one of those calls or emails that take me plunging down the tracks with my arms raised and a scream lodged in the back of my throat.

And, really, what more could I want?


lisa and laura saidā€¦
Ahh! THank you so much Kimberly! I've read your "getting the call while on vacation in an RV" post about 100 times. It's one of my favorite writer porn stories.

We're so lucky to have you as one of our writer friends. I'm trying to convince The Plot This gals, and LMJ to all meet up in Chicago this summer for a weekend. You in? You could totally do book signings or something to make it more professional-ish.
Melissa saidā€¦
I'm so excited to go and read all of these! You just gave me a load of procrastination material! Thank you!
Shelli (srjohannes) saidā€¦
hey why wasnt i invited to chi town? ;)
Little Ms J saidā€¦
I'm so in. Chicago, here we come.

Kimberly, I adore you and your throw back posts.
Kimberly Derting saidā€¦
Um, did someone say Chicago??? I'm in too!

Melissa - Good procrastination material is a shining compliment. I'll take it! :)
During this course, we will cover essential topics such as developing compelling storylines, crafting engaging characters, understanding the different genres and markets, and mastering the art of query letters and book proposals. You'll also gain valuable insights into finding literary agents, navigating self-publishing options, and promoting your work effectively.