My family laughs. They’ve even named it: Revision Mouth.
In fact, I do blame revisions. They’ve hijacked whatever part of my brain is responsible for verbal communication, focusing all of my energy on the written word instead.
So, if you happen to see me in the grocery store and I say something like: “Whkshldfkdshf,” don’t take offense. In all likelihood I’ve just complimented you. Not my fault it wasn’t coherent, it was the Revision Mouth speaking.
Just pretend you didn’t notice, and, like the penguins say, smile and wave. Just smile and wave…
By the way, those jeans really do look good on you.
(I'm working on revisions, too.)
Hope you get done soon! We miss you and I am sure ur family misses non-Revision Mouth!
Worst. Sister. Ever.
Kim - You betcha. Seriously, my brain is like mush right now.
Aprilynne - I'm glad to hear it's not just me! I catch myself totally spacing out sometimes (I thought maybe I was having some sort of short circuit). Apparently I should just make it a blanket Revision *Brain* thing.
Vania - Don't worry, I'll be back. And then y'all will be sick of me!
Patti - Almost done. Must. Hit. Send. Soon!
LiLa - Seriously??? That's freakin' hilarious. I'm gonna start calling my kids Violet and Jay!!!
PJ - It's a date, next time I'm in Texas we'll go to the Safeway together! ;)
Cindy -
Katie - Since I know you're in revisions, I fully expect it to take hold any minute now!!!
LMJ - Send some of that Ambien my way, I think my mind could use a little quieting. ;)
Tam - So far I think being around me *is* like Disneyland. They think I'm hysterical!!! But, yeah, better watch what I promise.
Cindy - Good to know we're not alone, right???