Five Things I'm Thankful For...

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! For some reason, this is one of my favorite holidays. (I'm sure it has something to do with the food!)

This morning I was thinking about what I'm thankful for, and I decided to put a (very) short list together:

First, I’ll go with the obvious: I’m grateful for heat. It’s cold here in the Northwest right now. Frigid and icy. I will never again underestimate the value of warmth and shelter.

I’m grateful for my family. Yes, obviously I mean my husband and my kids, but I mean the rest of them too....the crazy extended family that I don’t get to spend NEARLY enough time with. ( And thankfully, I get to see some of them today!)

I’m grateful for computers. Because I remember writing on typewriters. And paper cuts. I remember using white-out, and throwing away sheet after sheet of paper because I changed my mind (again!) about where I was going with a scene.

And also for the internet, because I also remember spending hours in the library trying to find info on weapons and pagan holidays and geography. One word: GOOGLE!

But mostly, I’m grateful that you guys have been here to share this amazing, thrill-ride of a debut year with me! Thank you so much for all of your support!!!!

And don't forget, you have until midnight tonight (Pacific time) to enter for your chance to win a signed ARC of DESIRES OF THE DEAD (open internationally)!


JaevenStar said…
I remember typing my first report on the computer in high school! I hated when I made a mistake and had to start over again...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! Stay Warm!
Anonymous said…
Happy Thanskgiving!
Heidi Willis said…
Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Little Ms J said…
Happy Thanksgiving, love! Hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family.
lisa and laura said…
You know what we're thankful for? Amazing, supportive, talented authors like YOU. XOXO