From NASA to "Deb": Meet Jenny Moss!

It's that time again, I have the privilege of introducing you to another 2009 Debutante! This time you get to meet Jenny Moss, author of WINNIE'S WAR.

Jenny is a former NASA engineer who earned a master's degree in literature and taught writing as an adjunct at University of Houston-Clear Lake. Winnie's War is her first novel. She lives with her two teenagers in Houston, Texas.

(Who says writing isn't rocket science???)

Her debut novel is set against the backdrop of the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918:

Life in Winnie's sleepy town of Coward Creek, Texas, is just fine for her. Although her troubled mother's distant behavior has always worried Winnie, she's plenty busy caring for her younger sisters, going to school, playing chess with Mr. Levy, and avoiding her testy grandmother. Plus, her sweetheart Nolan is always there to make her smile when she's feeling low. But when the Spanish Influenza claims its first victim, lives are suddenly at stake, and Winnie has never felt so helpless. She must find a way to save the people she loves most, even if doing so means putting her own life at risk.

Okay, Jenny, these are the rules. I call this interview Six of One, Half Dozen of the Other. There are five questions, plus one bonus question. Feel free to elaborate as much as you want (except, of course, for the bonus question!)

Here we go:

1) Would you rather be the Bestselling Rockstar Author or an Acclaimed Literary Award Winner?

Acclaimed Literary Award Winner

2) Make people laugh, cry, or hide under the covers?

Laugh & cry

3) Retire early or just keep writing from your beach house(s)?

To bed early, then write at dawn with hot coffee

4) FaceBook or MySpace?


5) After a period, one space or two?

I've converted: one :)

And your bonus question: What ONE WORD of advice would give to any aspiring writer?


To find out more about Jenny and her books, check her out at


PurpleClover said…
Wow, where is the story on how you met your agent? How you got "the call"??? lol.

Nice to meet you! WOW N.A.S.A. to author huh? I could totally pick your brain clean! LOVE IT!
Umm, yeah, I'd love to read that too! I'm like Mrs. Kravitz (you're probably not old enough to know who that is!)...I always want to know everyone's business!!!