SARAH OCKLER, Superstar Deb!

TWENTY BOY SUMMER is sweeping the nation! Seriously, this book is taking the world (one girl at a time!) by storm. The reviews are in, and TWENTY BOY SUMMER is a smash hit. Donā€™t believe me??? Then check this out, and this, and this.

See what I mean? And hereā€™s why:

While on vacation in California, sixteen-year-old best girlfriends Anna and Frankie conspire to find a boy for Annaā€™s first summer romance, but Anna harbors a painful secret that threatens their lighthearted plan and their friendship.

TWENTY BOY SUMMER is a debut YA novel that explores what it truly means to love someone, what it means to grieve, and ultimately, how to make the most of every single moment this world has to offer.

Todayā€™s Debsā€™ Tour welcomes Sarah Ockler, author of this amazing debut. Welcome, Sarah. *golf clap, everyone*

Okay, Sarah, feel free to be as wordy as you want (except, of course, for the one-word BONUS question).

Ready? Set?


1) Would you rather be the Bestselling Rockstar Author or an Acclaimed Literary Award Winner?

I was going to say ALAW, because this is after all art and I'm writing it as a form of expression. But, I'm also writing to connect with readers, and if I'm really connecting with readers I hope that means readers are buying the book. Lots of readers. Lots of books. In which case I'd like to be the BRA. Which doesn't work as well as an acronym. So why can't I just be both? A BRALAWA (Bestselling Rockstar Acclaimed Literary Award Winning Author)? This is too hard! :-)

2) Make people laugh, cry, or hide under the covers?

All of the above (though not necessarily at the same time)! As a reader, I love when a book makes me laugh or cry or freak out -- that's the sign of a good book. So when I write, if I can spark an emotional reaction from a reader, it means I've helped them see a moment through the character's eyes, and that's important.

3) Retire early or just keep writing from your beach house(s)?

I will never stop writing, even if I stop getting paid for it. :-) Writing is such a joy. I can't imagine my life without it. Now, if I could retire from all the admin that goes along with it, like paying taxes and organizing files and keeping a calender and making Web updates... now we're on to something. Please pass the sun screen!

4) FaceBook or MySpace?

SpaceBook, as my Mom calls it.

5) After a period, one space or two?

One. Just think of all the wasted spaces that die for every book written by every 2-space author. Trillions of acres of spaces! It's shameful!

And your bonus question: What ONE WORD of advice would give to any aspiring writer?


Thanks to Sarah for stopping by and playing. To find out more about Sarah Ockler and her books, check out her website at!


Kelly H-Y saidā€¦
Great interview ... thanks!
Hardygirl saidā€¦
Great interview! I'm intrigued and must have this book!!

Patti saidā€¦
Looks like a interesting read. I'll have to pick it up.
Sarah Wylie saidā€¦
I really want to read this book! Great interview.
Shelli (srjohannes) saidā€¦
are you goin gto tell us about your second book - has that always been the case? If so I did not realize - is it a sequel?
Kimberly Derting saidā€¦
Hey Shelli - I wasn't sure if you were asking Sarah or me!