Fifteen year old Callie just wants to impress the popular girls when she buys a pair of Prada heels on her class trip to London. She didn’t plan on tripping, conking her head, and waking up in 1815! Now she’s wearing corsets with her designer pumps, eating bizarre soups, and breaking up engagements. If only the nineteen year old Duke of Harksbury wasn’t so bloody annoying, she might have a little fun in Austen-Era England…
Seriously, I devoured it, needing to see what situation Callie would stumble into next as her 1815 counterpart Rebecca. Callie’s inner-dialogue was witty and cutting, just the way I like my internal dialogue to be, but the book is also charming and sweet. You can see the trailer here.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I’ve know a little bit about Mandy’s second YA book slated for release next summer, and when she told me I. Got. Goosebumps! It’s that good!!! Her only hint: There will be a life-sized My Little Pony. (Really, no joke.)
Okay, gush enough???
Fine, here’s the interview.
Mandy, elaborate as much as you want (except for the bonus question, of course!):
1) Would you rather be the Bestselling Rockstar Author or an Acclaimed Literary Award Winner?
Bestselling Rockstar Author. I like to read the commercial stuff-- more Meg Cabot than John Green!
2) Make people laugh, cry, or hide under the covers?
Laugh mostly, though a tear or two at the right moment would be fabu, if I can request that too. :-)
3) Retire early or just keep writing from your beach house(s)?
Keep writing from my beach house! I'd do it if no one paid me. I don't know that I ever want to "retire" from writing. But the day job?-- When I can I quit?!
4) FaceBook or MySpace?
Facebook is way easier to friend people. I hate captchas. I vote facebook.
5) After a period, one space or two?
One space. Two drives me nuts.
And your bonus question: What ONE WORD of advice would give to any aspiring writer?
PERSEVERE. (Mandy is a great example of persevere, you check out her story here!)
Mandy Hubbard grew up on a dairy farm outside Seattle, where she refused to wear high heels until homecoming—and hated them so much she didn’t wear another pair for five years. A cowgirl at heart, she enjoys riding horses and quads and singing horribly to the latest country tune. She’s currently living happily ever after with her husband (who, sadly, is not a Duke) and her daughter (who is most definitely a princess). Prada and Prejudice is her first novel.
To find out more about Mandy and her books, check out her website at!
My recommendation: Walk, don’t run (and be careful not to trip!) to your nearest bookseller for this one!!!
As always, fun interview!