The Coolest Pumpkin On The Block!

Yet another reason I have the sweetest husband ever:

He carved this for me and even got a blister on his finger (which, of course, he totally had to show me). Unfortunately, he has the least sympathetic wife ever, so all together now: “Aww, poor baby!”

But seriously, honey, thanks for the kick-ass pumpkin!


Briana said…
Wow! That is so awesome!!! And it looks perfect! I cant imagine how hard carving that would be! Totally cool!

ReggieWrites said…
This is so cool! You're husband is so good at carving pumpkins! I can't carve anything to save my life! I love it!
Liyana said…
That's the nicest pumpkin carving I've seen this year!
Ellz said…
How sweet! It really is a great carving job.
Anonymous said…
WOW, he did a really good job! It's so perfect looking. I don't even want to imagine what the outcome would be if I ever attempted to carve one myself haha.
Aww, he's too sweet!
It looks great!
Katie Anderson said…
This might be the sweetest show of love I have ever seen! I want a custom pumpkin, praising all my hard work :-)

Awww. so cute!
lisa and laura said…
That is too cute! And hey, didn't I just read a comment from you on another blog where you were bitching about pumpkin carving? You are such a brat. I love it.
PJ Hoover said…
OMG, your pumpkin rocks! Love it!
Tam and John said…
Oh, I get it! This is Josh's birthday present: An Ego Trip!!
Gotta admit it, you rock, JD!
Little Ms J said…
Your husband is ridiculous. I am sneering at mine right now. Do you remember reading Twilight and falling in love with Edward? Well, I do. And when I did I would stare down the couch at a belching Mr. J and wonder why he couldn't be like Edward. Now it's Josh. Good heavens.
Patti said…
That's totally cool.
Leigh Purtill said…
Very very cool. I envy good pumpkin carvers - mine all look like Chucky.
Donna Gambale said…
So cool! That's what I call marketing.

And pass on my "Awww, poor baby!"
KK said…
Very, very cool! Nice job Josh. We're so lame, the neighbor kid took pity on us and put a pumpkin on our porch. I wonder if we can stall him out to do Christmas lights???
Thanks guys, it was really cool of him, wasn't it?

LiLa - Complain and ye shall receive, isn't that how it goes?

LMJ - Trust me, he *doesn't* sparkle. Not even close.