Christmas Gone Mad!!!

You know how there's always that one neighborhood that goes *overboard* with the Christmas lights?

Well, yeah, that's *my* neighborhood. It's kind of like watching that scene in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (the one with Chevy Chase) where he finally gets his Christmas lights on and it blinds the neighbors. It's like daylight 24/7 around here.

You can guess, traffic gets a little backed up sometimes...there are times I have to wait in line just to get in my own driveway.

I thought I'd give you a glimpse of just *one side* of the street we live on. It's impossible to give you the *full* effect (I wish I could have gotten both sides in the shot!), but it's really kind of spectacular considering that everyone participates.

: Not responsible for motion sickness caused by my incredibly professional camera work.

Oh, and one of our neighbors has a sign that tells you what radio station to tune to and his lights flash to the music (try to ignore my daughter's chattering from the backseat!):

Happy Holidays!!!


Alea said…
That is crazy! I've never seen a whole street or neighborhood get into it! Usually only one or two houses. And how do they set it up to match a radio station, I've always wondered how that is possible/works!
OMG Insane, I want to live on your street and I don't even celebrate Christmas-that is AWESOME! Also someone rearranged the reindeer cracked me up!
Corey Schwartz said…
OMG, that's unbelievable! Where in the world do you live? Celebration?
brizmus said…
SO COOL!!!! I totally want to come to your neighborhood!
Bwyatt said…
That is amazing! I wish there was a neighborhood like that around here.
Nicole Settle said…
Awesome! We have neighborhoods like that in my town, and they seriously take like an hour or more to get through. I love going through them, but I always think it would be a pain to live there. Power to you! Your Christmas spirit must be strong!
Mardel said…
It would be hard to live and park on a street like that, although it is beautiful. Thank goodness it only lasts for a few weeks, right?
just put up a sign that says "DITTO" and points to his house. I saw that somewhere and it was funny.
Mandy said…
Wow, we have like 5 houses lit up in my neighborhood, and none are anywhere near that set up. We only have one strand of lights.
(: Isa :) said…
Geez! I only own one strand too and it's plain reindeer. I laughed a lot when I saw the house flashing to the music! lol
I think I'd like to live there, because no one in my neighborhood really puts out lights. Maybe two houses. :)
Martha Lawson said…
WOW!! It's totally beautiful..

Merry Christmas.
Little Ms J said…
That's awesome! I wish we lived in one of those neighborhoods! Mr. J already swore up and down we're going to be THOSE people next year since our nephews and nieces were disappointed by the Halloween decorations and Christmas lights in their own neighborhood this year.
Katie Anderson said…
Oh my gosh! It reminds me of our street in Orange county!!! so fun! I want to live there!!!!!!!

I love shelli's DITTO idea. haha
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Donna Gambale said…
I'm speechless. It's really cool that everyone gets into it, but ... wow. I can imagine the fierce competition for the best decorations! But the house with the music & lights -- that gave me a headache just watching the video! Thanks for sharing!
lisa and laura said…
You live in Candor, don't you?
LiLa - Is that some inside joke or is it a *real* place??? So, umm, no...?
That's really crazy, but cool at the same time! I think I might get a little ticked if I had to wait to get into my own driveway, though. But, then again, Christmas is only once a year (thank goodness). LOL. : )

All of the houses are so pretty! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
Heidi Willis said…
Reminds me of the Grisham book "Skipping Christmas' where everyone in the neighborhood had to participate! :)

We were up visiting in October a few years ago and Karma said they'd already made their appointment to have the guy come string lights in November. I'd never heard of having to book someone to string your lights but now I see why! She told me you all strung lights across the street, too, but I think I might not have completely believed her until I saw your video!
Heidi - Fortunately there's no *rule* about the lights, but everyone plays along anyway. This year there was only one house w/o them on our entire street. And, yeah, we're guilty of having the lights on our house hung (but only because the roofline is so steep), the rest of it is all us, baby!!!