I've Lost An Entire Day...

There are certain things my brain just isn't wired for, like website design, computer networking...and, you know, texting. I'm what you might call technologically challenged. Not as bad as my mother, mind you, I can type with more than one finger and I do understand how to answer my cell phone. And I will try gosh darn it, but it's always there, my resistance to all-things-new-and-techie. My husband doesn't have it, and my kids certainly don't...if I need help, I can usually count on my eight-year-old to save the day. And if she can't do it, I will pry the headphones out of my son's ears (only for a minute, I promise) and he can almost always figure out what I've done wrong.

But here's the deal: People like me shouldn't be allowed to create their own countdown widgets.

Last night when I went to bed, I had 52 days until the release of THE BODY FINDER, and then this morning I did an actual calendar count and realized that my numbers were off! WHAT?!?!?!

I would love to blame the widget program, but here's the flaw in my logic, you have to set the countdown clock to end at midnight at the beginning of the date you want it to stop counting, not at the end of the day it's released. I was adding an entire day. *headsmack*

So, it's official. 50. Days. Till. Launch!

50 Days!!!!!!!

I'm freaking out, people!


Katie Anderson said…
Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!! Go Kim, Go!!!!!!!!!!
Kirthi said…
Congratulations! Can't wait for the release!
I'm sort of technologically challenged, I had my brother teach e how to use my I-pod nano. I didn't realize you could pause movies and skip scenes until 2 months AFTER I got it...pitiful right? :D
So awesome.. Soon it will be 30 days then net thing you know its going to be a Happy Birthday to the Body Finder
Guinevere said…
50 days! That's so exciting. I can't wait til it comes out!
Adriana said…
That's so exciting. It's so close. I'm really excited for the release!
Dusty said…
Woo hoo! Congrats! I can't wait! =)
Jan von Harz said…
I am very excited for you. What an amazing feeling to be so close. I can't wait to read it either!
Lori said…
This is exciting stuff, Kim! And I resisted texting until I got my iphone. Now, I am a texting fool. It's all about the tiny keyboard!
Emma Michaels said…
Congrats! I am really looking forward to it!
Lol, those things are infinitely confusing to me. And, yay, congrats on the 50-day mark! Can't wait for The Body Finder to come out. :D
Bere said…
Jeje trust me it happens to everyone
once in a while!
I'm so excited! I can't wait
for the release! I'm sure
these days will fly on by!
ReggieWrites said…
CONGRATS KIM!!! WE'RE ALL EXCITED FOR THE RELEASE!!! It's good you fixed your countdown widget...one less day to worry about!!! =)))))))
Deep breaths...don't freak out!

How exciting!!!!

Your mistake was a good one (for us at least). I think your fans would be banging down your door if your countdown clock was wrong and you needed to ADD days to it.

Good things come to those who wait...and The Body Finder is great!
Tam and John said…
Congrats, my friend...can't wait to celebrate with you! But now I'm stuck on the countdown thing, because, if I remember correctly, you did the same thing with the Santa countdown thing then Connor yelled at US because ours was "wrong". HA! Vindication!