To two new bloggers on the block:

These two are brand new, so stop in, follows their reviews, and show them how nice we really are! C'mon, you don't want to be rude, do you???


bclement412 said…
*is now following both blogs*

The reviews they posted were great. I'll definitely keep stalking... erm... reading their blogs :P
Tam and John said…
Can I be a dolt and ask if Hush, Hush is a YA novel or a book for grownups? Couldn't really tell from the review
DJ D. said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
DJ D. said…
*Sorry, I'm new to commenting and I messed up the first one*

bclement412: Thank you so much for following my blog. It means a lot!

Tam: I added a sentence in my Hush, Hush review that notes that it's a YA novel. Thanks for pointing that out. I'm sorry for the confusion and I hope you continue visiting my blog!
