I’m buried in copy-edits for Desires of the Dead right now, which is why I won’t be posting much this week, but there are a couple of things I thought I’d point out:

After a couple of suggestions (complaints) that the EVENTS section of my website was too hard to find, I had it updated…YAY! So, no more excuses about not knowing where I’m going to be over the next few months.

Speaking of EVENTS (see how I did that?), just a reminder to anyone in the Portland area (or surrounding states if you really love me), that I’ll be at the Cedar Hills Crossing Powell’s Bookstore this Saturday, April 3rd at 2:00PM! Please don’t let me sit at my little table in the store all by myself (probably crying!), COME OUT AND SEE ME!!!! As usual, I will have fun goodies to hand out!

For you lovely Canadians, I’ll be in Kamloops, British Columbia on May 15th at the wonderful Chapters bookstore. Again: No Visitors = Sad Author! So please stop in and say hi!

And can I just say how awesome you guys are? All of your Congrats comments and well-wishes were…well, AWESOME! This has been the craziest, most incredible two weeks of my life, and I feel so fortunate that all of you have shared the ride with me!!!

Now, I’ll see you all in Portland, right??? ;)


Lauren said…
I hope you have a lovely time in BC. I'd come and say hello but I'd had to travel across four provinces so that's a tad tricky. Maybe you'll visit Ontario someday?

I asked you on Twitter if Violet could hear echoes in supermarkets if she went to the meat/fish sections. You said it was too long for twitter, but I hope she doesn't. I can't imagine grocery shopping being very fun. But if she does, would she be a vegetarian then?
Unknown said…
Woohoo you are coming to Houston! I can't wait :)
Candace said…
Can't wait to see you in Portland! I got the book so I can get it read BEFORE the signing (can't really be a fan before you read the book, can you?). I'll be getting another copy (or 3, LOL) to giveaway on my blog and maybe a copy for my family cause they are bugging me to death to get them one. I'm sure you won't be sitting all alone at that table. It'll probably be packed!
Alas, those are a *tad* far away from So Cal. But I will DEFINITELY make sure you're not all alone at your San Diego signings. In fact, you'll probably be like, go away little blonde girl, you've talked to me long enough! ;) Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lisa Schroeder said…
I'll try to come, Kimberly. It's Easter weekend and we will have family in town, but I will try!! :)

So happy your book is being so well-received and doing GREAT, from the looks of it. Congratulations!!
Unknown said…

Will you be coming to Toronto? I'll come out!
Jeter, Pam said…
This book is my "echo"! I couldnt' put it down because I was so drawn to it. Nice job making me abandon my husband for hours.
~ Hildebrand neighbor
PJ Hoover said…
I wish I was there to visit! But I did pick up your book the other day at B&N!
Patti said…
You just need to come a little further west, Calgary perhaps.
Lauren - Twitter is definitely too short! You should see all the notes I had to make when I was coming up with Vi's ability (and this was def something I've had to consider!). When I said on Twitter that she couldn't go near a slaughter house, it was because it has to be a body to call to her. Otherwise, you're right, she'd never be able to go ANYWHERE!!!! :)
Candace - So glad you're coming to see me in Portland!!!

Lisa - Hope to see you too! ;)

Cynthia and Patti - I haven't heard anything about Toronto or Calgary, but I'll definitely let you guys know if I do.

And, YAY, Pammy! I saw your AMAZON review...thank you!!!!!!!!
PJ - I hope you enjoy it :)
Violet said…
It was wonderful to meet you yesterday! I just sent you an email with the photos that I took at Powell's. Thank you again for coming to Portland! I look forward to seeing you at a "Desires of the Dead" signing event next year! :)
lisa and laura said…
Oh gosh, we WISH we could be there to cheer you on and tell you in person how much we LOVE your book. Just know, we'll be there in spirit! Good luck!