The Things You Discover (and stuff)...

So I was cleaning out the garage and I found this awesome list that my daughter and her friend made. It's great because not only is it filled with useful tips for those boring days when you have nothing to do...but's HILARIOUS!

My favorite item: #12 (although I'm not sure if you have to have the box for the Time Travel, or if you have to travel through time to find the box...either way, it sounds wicked fun!!!)

I also appreciate their use of the word "stuff" as a catch-all phrase, I think it shows a certain...umm, creativity on their part. Yeah...

So consider this like a Public Service Announcement or something (and don't say I never did anything for you).

Now, get out there and "run around and stuff!"


Anonymous said…
thats so cute! and they are so funny!
Hahaha, I love doing stuff!
Violet said…
Haha! Such a great list! I think "Roll around and stuff" is my favorite! :)

*runs off to find a big cardboard box*
Candace said…
Love it! That's awesome. I remember making lists like that myself... Yeah, if I remember correctly time travel was also on my list.
And we have a huge cardboard box here. Maybe we'll go do that right now. And stuff.
man, this could have been so much worse - just imagine what abby's list will say when she's 16 - yikes! looksl ike they decided on paper airplanes. I love the innocence of this.
That list is seriously adorable!
Heidi Willis said…
what an awesome list! I'm a list maker myself, but clearly I'm too anal because I'm very specific. I think I'll start one like this.

How about I start with "Write stuff."

:) She is so precious...and precocious!
jberk said…
Is this real? This can't be real. This is entirely too awesome to be real.
Berk - Oh it's real. And awesome!

Heidi - Yes, my lists will now be: "Do laundry or something" and "Make dinner and stuff". It's perfect for those days I just don't feel like sticking to the plan!

Candace - Let me know if it *actually* works, the time travel/box thing! ;)
Shelli - Your comment made my vision blur...Abby at 16, I'm not sure I'll survive...
Kirthi said…
This is so cute, your daughter and her friends are incredibly creative!
Unknown said…
Love it! This is great. Good black mail fodder for when she's a teenager.
bookaholic said…
Love the post! Your daughter is so cute,not to mention innovative and creative :)
Nicole Settle said…
haha that's awesome...I'm so going to do some fun stuff today!
lisa and laura said…
Hilarious...and stuff.
Mardel said…
That was funny - now I'm going to watch T.V. and "stuff". :)
I love the roll around and stuff. I think that might have been how I got the children. ;)

And do something with a tennis ball...a classic.
~ Wendy
Donna Gambale said…
This is amazing and stuff.

With #14... I think JJ Abrams stole her idea.
OMG, Wendy, you cracked me up...apparently your list is way more fun than my list!
jberk said…
I just listened to a Demetri Martin joke today: "I have a time machine. It only goes forward and at regular speed ... Actually it's just a cardboard box that I wrote 'time machine' on with a Sharpie." Made me think of #12 and stuff!
Little Ms J said…
I have a big thingie (what is the stand thingie you put them in?) of tennis balls in my garage. I think I will bring them inside and do stuff with them. I may start by beaning Mr. J.

And stuff.

Love it.
LMJ - Or something.

Berk - Sounds like Demetri Martin's been blog-stalking me. Again.
Katie Anderson said…
This is the cutest thing I've seen all day! Please frame this jewel!!!!!!
Tam and John said…
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Sorry I haven't been to your blog in awhile - I've been slacking. This is classic!