TWO MORE COUNTRIES HAVE FALLEN (Okay, that may be a little dramatic but…)

What do Germany, Turkey, Russia, and Poland all have in common???

Well, yes, they’re all countries in Europe. And, no, I have never visited any of them. And I suppose technically, Russia and Turkey are Eurasian (crossing the lines of both Europe and Asia). But come on, people, that’s NOT what I was going for here!

What I am going for is that all of these countries will soon have copies of THE BODY FINDER on their shelves!

Yes, Ripol (Russia) and Nasza Ksiegarnia (Poland) have just joined Coppenrath (Germany) and Bilge Kulture (Turkey) as my foreign publishers for TBF so…..Dobro pozhalovat' and Witajcie (that’s Welcome in Russian and Polish…at least according to WikiAnswers!)

I can't express how excited I am to know that my book will be read by people on other continents in different languages...and I cannot wait to see their covers (and titles)!

I’m awed. And humbled.

And also seriously blown away!!!


JEM said…
Congrats! Now you can start learning foreign languages by reading your own books :)
Kongratulacje! Bede musiala kupic FALLEN po polsku.

(Congratulations! I'll have to buy FALLEN in Polish.)

Rebecca Wells said…
How exciting! Congratulations! I'm still waiting (impatiently) for your book to come through at the library... But it's almost here! I'm so excited! Gah!
Anonymous said…
Going overseas? Fantastic, and a new book coming out too. Way to go! I asked the Orting library if they had the book and they said they had ordered six already and would order more.
Heidi Willis said…
Yay! Congrats! I can't wait to see the new covers too! I always think it's a bit weird foreign sales don't keep the same ones... perhaps Russia doesn't have blue flowers?
Corey Schwartz said…
Wow! That is so exciting, Kimberly! Good for you!
Sam Liu said…
Wow! That's really impressive, you're living the dream I have so often wished would come true for me in later life. Congrats, I'm very happy for you :D
Little Ms J said…
You know it is big news when Homer Simpson is invoked. Dude, that is awesome. So happy for you in whatever language makes me seem worldly.
DJ D. said…
Congrats! I am so excited and happy for you! I can't wait to see the covers!
Christy Raedeke said…
Huge congrats! All countries with spectacular taste in books!
Noella said…
Congrats! They get different covers? Can't wait to see them!
Hahaha Congrats, and that was fast that they already started translating. Shows that your book is awesome XD
Thanks! And, yes, LMJ, I thought the occassion called for a little Homer S!!!
Elana Johnson said…
Congrats! I just finished TBF and thought is was fab!
Glad you liked it, Elana!