VOICE, TRUTH, ECHOES by Saundra Mitchell

I'm thrilled to welcome Saundra Mitchell to help me launch the first of many guest blogs I'll be hosting over the next month! Saundra's book, Shadowed Summer, was easily one of my 2009 faves and (great news for you!) it was just released in paperback. If you haven't read it already, you totally should!!!

So here she is...Saundra Mitchell:


I was lucky enough to read THE BODY FINDER last year, and it's been really hard keeping my mouth shut about it until it came out! Violet's ability to sense the dead was absolutely unique, and Jay is about the best boyfriend in the universe. The story came together in an incredible, unexpected way.

But you know what I loved best?

The text from the killer's point of view. I know, I know, I'm kind of a sick cookie. But here's the thing- I thought it was extraordinary because it was so clear. Kimberly managed to tap into the rational
(note: not reasonable!) part of the killer's character that made homicide seem as ordinary and appreciable as a teen would find getting a summer job.

It's not that she apologized, but she made it real. And finding the truth in all characters is what makes a story greater than simply words on the page. I like meeting characters who act like real people, who think honest thoughts, who behave in genuine and earnest ways. And that goes for every character- the heroes and the villains.

Because when I can believe in a villain, I can fear them. My pulse races, I worry about the heroes, I read through my fingers, and flinch when disaster strikes. I exhale my relief when all is well, and I really feel it when they fall in love. No matter how fantastic the world, how unique the magic that's written into it- I have to believe in the characters before I can believe in their gifts.

And Kimberly made me believe, over and over. And for me- for her amazing
book- it started with a killer's whisper.

I wonder what that says about MY echo?

Thanks, Saundra! I already know I'd have a dark and twisted echo. That, or something chocolate related!

Okay, since this is our first guest post, don't forget to leave a comment if you want to be entered in the giveaway for an ARC of Firelight by Sophie Jordan, a signed copy of The Body Finder, and a bunch of awesome swag, including a sweet TEAM JAY t-shirt! The first round of guest posts wraps up on July 16th!

And if you want to order Shadowed Summer (trust me, you won't be disappointed!), you can find it here, here, here, and here.


Bwyatt said…
Saundra I totally agree. The glimpse into the villian's psyche is amazing. You can feel that he doesn't find his own feelings odd. It's CREEPY! Which, in the case of the character, is a good thing. I haven't read Shadowed Summer yet, but it sounds great. I've added it to my "pick up" list for my next bookstore trip. :o)
Anonymous said…
I've heard great things about the villain sections of the book, and I can't wait to read them myself! :)
Liyana said…
I have read The Body Finder, and I do agree that Jay is a very supportive boyfriend. Violet was a relatable protagonist, and I liked reading from the killer's POV, mainly because I wanted to know what he thought about Violet.
Jamie Manning said…
Excellent Post! I look forward to reading this one, definitely...I could make a weekend of it with The Body Finder!
Cara said…
I agree SO much. One of my friends also read The Body Finder and the first thing we talked about when she finished it was how creepy the villain chapters were. I could feel the dude hiding in someone's bushes or driving through town looking for his next victim. Very eerie.

I haven't read Shadowed Summer yet, but have been meaning to for a while now. It sounds fantastic!
Anonymous said…
Can't wait to read i can offically go buy the book now that ive opened all my bday presents lol

cassandra c
lisa and laura said…
I think we already have an ARC of Firelight on it's way over to us, so don't enter us in the contest, but I just wanted to say that we can wait to read Shadowed Summer! Although, I'm a little freaked out that Saundra liked the serial killer text! That part totally freaked me out. I felt all creepy, crawly when I read it.
so true, the addition of those glimpses into the killer's POV were amazing (and thankfully just enough to be creepy but not disturbing!)
Anne said…
Great start to the guest blogger segment! I also agree with Saundra's views on The Body Finder. I loved the killer's point of view too. And don't even get me started on Jay because....SWOON!

I just read the synopsis for your book Saundra and it sounds really good. I will have to pick it up next pay day! :)
RoseCBR said…
Yeezz, Reading Saundra's post, just make feel sick about me, because I havent read the Body Finder yet!!! But I must and I will!! thanks so mucho for the post and looking forward to read The Body Finder!!
JEM said…
Wow, great interview!
Samanthajo_322 said…
I love love loved the Body Finder. I agree with the killer aspect being one of the best parts, it was sickening to read about him contemplating which girl he was going to take and how he was taking them. But at the same time, it made the story feel real, you as a reader, are getting every side of the story not just Violet's side of attempting to track this murderer. I alsoo LOVE the chemistry between Jay and Violet, I think it is wonderful and a feeling that almost everyone can relate to!! =]
YA Book Queen said…
Nice post! Definitely agree that the characters have to be believable before being able to believe in their gifts. If they don't seem real, the gifts don't.

Ah, I really need to read TBF soon! :)
I totally agree with the Killer being very realistic. I loved The Body Finder because all the characters were so real.
Lindsay said…
I can't wait to read shadowed summer. I'm sure it'll be amazing!
Anonymous said…
Omg Sandra its like were twins! Everything you said I totally agree on about TBF. It was so refreshing to read a book with realistic characters. Even more so that the paranormal was only a spice to the plot and not dominating! I can't wait for the second one. I wanna read your book soooo badly but my work can't seem to order it. *cries* I really hope they figure it out soon!

Anonymous said…
Hmm, I sorta-kinda agree with you ! Although I did love Violet's POV, the villian's POV made me freak out and it felt more real. I ended up being paranoid during those moments when I was reading his POV. Awesome guest post!

MannaB said…
I agree completely that I loved getting into the killers head. It was creepy but interesting!
Onge said…
I have heard many excellent things about this book!! I can't wait to read it. This interview makes me want to read it more. I think I am a little bit of a sick cookie too!
Jessica said…
Terrific guest post :) I really look forward to reading it (hopefully later today!!) and I know from what I have seen, I will NOT be able to put it down.
Unknown said…
I want to read Shadowed Summer since the release! I just can't wait to read it :)
Erika Powell said…
Shadowed Summer was fastistic, just for the record. And I agree, Sandra, getting in the head of the villian makes the book that much more believable
Kelsey said…
I've been reading reviews about this book all over the net - just wish I had the money to buy it lol Anyway thanks for the interview and this giveaway.


Kay said…
Now I definitely want to read this book. I've often wondered what makes a killer tick. I also appreciate the perspective on believable characters. It gives me something to strive for as I write my first novel.
I agree wholheartedly! The story from the killer's POV was CREEPY! I couldn't read it before going to sleep or else I'd have nightmares! :D The prizes sound awesome!

Yes, I agree about the killer's POV!!! It really spiced the novel up and as you said, make it seem totally rational in a sick, twisted way! I also really loved and hated knowing that he was coming for Violet...and she didn't know! GAH, suspenseful much? LOL.
I've got Shadowed Summer on my TBR list :D
Emma :)
jpetroroy said…
Very insightful post. Please enter me!

jpetroroy at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
I'm envious that you got to read it so far ahead of time!

Also, I agree with you about believing in the characters first. :)
ReggieWrites said…
The insight into the villian's mind was really different and really absorbing...it really adds a darker, atmospheric feeling to the book!
Ale said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ale said…
I agree with Saundra, that reading about the villain's point of view made him more real to me.
Cielo Azul said…
Wooow, now I need read this book.

This review is fantastic!!

Thanks Saundra!


Jenny N. said…
I really liked reading from the killer pov too. Its addicting yet creepy at the same time.
Thanks so much for commenting, everyone, you're all entered in the giveaway. And keep coming back cuz there'll be more guests posts to earn extra points!!!
And if you haven't commented yet...why not???
A Rick said…
I totally agree with Saundra, the killer's POV was intriguing to read. Also who doesn't love Jay :)

Shadowed Summer sounds awesome, I need to go pick it up!
Sweet Lady Jess said…
I totally agree with Saundra Mitchell when she says this:

"The text from the killer's point of view. I know, I know, I'm kind of a sick cookie. But here's the thing- I thought it was extraordinary because it was so clear. Kimberly managed to tap into the rational(note: not reasonable!) part of the killer's character that made homicide seem as ordinary and appreciable as a teen would find getting a summer job."

This is what made the book so intriguing. Can't wait for the next book!
Jessy said…
I kinda liked the Killer's POV. It made the story more interesting.
Brianna Bruce said…
I definitely agree. The first time that I read the killer's perspective of the story, I couldn't go to sleep that night.
I agree with her. I love the killer's pov. It makes the story a whole lot more interesting and dynamic. I also can relate to really believing in the characters. I really feel like I'm there with then so I flinch and cry and swoon right along with them.
Mariah said…
I totally agree! I loved the way Kimberly went into the villan's mind so we could better understand.
donnas said…
Great guest post. Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed Shadowed Summer and am still looking forward to The Body Finder.
Anonymous said…
I love the phrase sick cookie! This book sounds intense. Seeing from the killer's perspective is intense. Can't wait to read it. Now I'm wondering what my echo looks like. Hmmmm.......
I'm dying to read The Body Finder! I like the climpse into the villians psyche.

And I want to read Shadowed Summer too.

Great post!


Malbebe said…
I totally agree with Saundra. The POV of the murderer was something fresh and unique. No one (that I know of) has ever attempted to give a the murderer of a book a voice. I love the Body Finder!

Liz. R said…
I agree; I think it's interesting to read from the villain's point of view - you get to see why do they do all the crazy things they do. It's sort of creepy but intriguing at the same time.

And Shadowed Summer is officially on my summer wishlist now! :P
Erika said…
i'm not yet finished reading TBF, but i hope i love it as much as everyone i know did. i love the premise of the novel, and the fact that violet can find dead people is definitely cool and unlike any paranormal YA book i've read
GREAT post! Definitely agree.
heather said…
Awesome guest post.I now have to read The Body Finder. I love books to were you can actually imagine yourself in them and they seem so real and this seems like one of those books.
Lynsey Newton said…
Excellent post from Saundra and I agree with everything she said! :)
Tere Kirkland said…
Just downloaded a sample of TBF to my nook, and it sounds like a great, quickly paced read. Very curious about the killer's pov, though. Sounds interesting.

I'll have to check out Shadowed Summer. Thanks for the recommendations!
Anonymous said…
It has been a while since I read The Body Finder, but reading your post made me remember how wonderful the book is and now I just want to rush home and read it again. I was shocked when I saw the first post from the killer, but it really did give a great look into his mind. I can't even imagine how you would begin to think like a murderer, but Kimberly nailed it beautifully! I can't wait for Desires of the Dead!!!

P.S.- I finally read Shadowed Summer last week and I absolutely loved it!!! Will there be a sequel?
Trini said…
I like to read about characters who act like real people too! I mean it is fun to read about superheros but I like it when the characters are relatable in some sort of way. I have Shadowed Summer on my TBR list and will get to it soon.

Kristina Foster said…
omg i would tottaly love to have a boyfriend like jay!! Violet was very likeable and so was Jay.
ally said…
I often wonder what my echo would be like... I'd definitely want it to be chocolate-y :P! Nice guest post, Saundra :)!
Rachel said…
I totally get what you mean about the killer's point of view. There's a part of you that's like, "This is so wrong and creepy and freaky." Then there's another part of you that's like, "This is sooooooo good." The killer's POV is part of what draws you in. (:

Oh, and I have yet to read Shadowed Summer, so I shall put it on my reading list! (:
Amy said…
Great guest post! I love when the villain is done right...my heart races, I get that fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach and find myself holding my breath--reading faster and faster until the hero/heroine is safe. The more twisted POV of the villain the more creeped out I feel and that just makes me enjoy the book that much more! I have one book I read so many times I broke the spine and still, to this day I still feel that creepiness when I read that book!
Gaby G said…
I agree with. I also like the villain to scare me, because that way it seems real.

Misha said…
great post!
I would love to win an ARC of firelight.

Sandy said…
Great guest post ^_^. And I agree with you characters and their voices are what make me love a story, the more characters that I love in a story, show, movie the more I will want to learn more about them and the more I will want to read or watch.
Llehn said…
I definitely agree with you thoughts on the villain!
Unknown said…
Saundra, if you area sick cookie, then I am too. I think it is always the most interesting to see the evil's point of view, and must be one of the most hard things to write for an author because it is easy to make the villain a one dimensional arch-evil, but to make them complex and layered it truly requires talent. And to give that chill even with all of that, art!

Congratulations, Shgadowed Summer looks great (the cover is beautifully chilling!)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
Vivien said…
I absolutely loved the killers perspective in the body finder. It gives the reader insight to a different type of thinking. It also gives the reader a break from the narrator which I always love. I will have to check out Shadowed Summer :)
Christinabean said…
Great post! I have heard great things about the Body Finder and I can't wait to read it myself!

clderwee at gmail dot com
Ellz said…
I totally agree about finding the truth in your characters. Makes the story more believable.
Christina said…
Great guest post! I can't wait to read Shadowed Summer, I've been wanting to for a while.
Shell said…
I've been seeing this book everywhere. I think fate's telling me to buy it... buy it...
Lora Wiedenheft said…
i want to win a copy of firelight please

Lora Wiedenheft