Today’s post is special. (Meaning: You should totally pay attention!)
I’ve invited an awesome guest blogger, rounded up some pretty cool prizes (maybe you could pick something comfy for your bed!), and now you will have the chance to win.
Guest blog + Prizes = EPIC WIN!!!
Now that’s my kind of math right there!
First, the guest blogger. When I joined the Debs in early 2009, I joined a group of amazing writers, one of whom was this outspoken, gregarious, warm, and hilarious lady named Aprilynne Pike. You might know her, author of NYT bestsellers WINGS and SPELLS?!?! Yeah, that’s her…
Well, I’ve invited Aprilynne today to introduce a fellow Harper gal, a Tenner debut author whose book comes out THIS might have heard a little something about this book too, it’s called PARANORMALCY by uber-blogger extraordinaire (and, yes, she is just as adorable in real life!) Kiersten White. (And it may or may not be involved in the contest I mentioned!)
Aprilynne actually blurbed PARANORMALCY, saying: “PARANORMALCY seduced me. The two sexy paranormals who vie for Evie’s affections each had their own victory: one won Evie’s heart and the other won mine.”
I’ve read it, and I have to agree, it’s freakin’ great!!!
So, here she is, everyone, my friend Aprilynne Pike with some hilarious (as only Aprilynne would see it!) advice on writing:
Writing is Exhausting!
We often hear among author circles about the need to eat healthy and exercise because well, the acronym BIC (Butt In Chair) means that a lot of us do keep our butts firmly in our chairs for several hours a day and . . . well, those butts tend to expand.:D (Not to mention that yummy snacks seriously help facilitate the writing process! No really! They do!)
No one seems to mention that writing is its own form of exercise. Not the kind of exercise that will give you nicely toned thighs or bulging biceps, but I maintain that writing is its own kind of physical exertion nonetheless. I remember when I was in the process of writing Wings, I had this one day. It was a dream day! A day when the scene was so crystallized in my head and the words were flowing and everything was perfect! I walked out of my office that day (in my pajamas *ahem*) and flung the door open and said, very melodramatically, “I wrote a good scene!” And I was exhausted! I was a little sweaty too. (I know, TMI, but it relates!)
Writing can be a seriously physical experience, especially when you are writing intense scenes. Case in point, I am in the process of writing the fourth Wings book (don’t worry, you aren’t behind the times. The third one isn’t out yet. Writers just have to stay WAY ahead of schedule.) and about ¾ of this book is climax. It is seriously intense. I come out of my office every day rather emotionally wrung out and physically tired!
On top of that, I live in Phoenix where it is currently about 111 degrees. Also, humid since it is monsoon season. (Note to self, I need to buy a fan for my office!)
So all you writers out there, do try to eat well and get exercise, but don’t start thinking you are just turning into a lazy slob if, no matter what you do, you feel terribly exhausted at the end of the day. Tell your friends that they should try killing people and making people fall in love and make-out every day! It’s a tough job, but luckily, I’m the one who gets to do it!
I told you, she’s awesome! And TMI, Aprilynne? Never! (Confession: I don’t really understand TMI…is there really such thing as TMI???)
Okay, moving on, here are the contest deets:
All you have to do is leave a comment, just one, and that’s it. A comment. Preferrably a nice one, because, c’mon, I’m gonna give you stuff.
What am I gonna give you, you ask???
1) A brand new, shiny ARC of PARANORMALCY!!!!!!! (Second confession: it may have been read once, but ever-so-gently…there’s not even a scuff!)
2) CSN has generously donated a $60 gift certificate to any one of their 200+ stores, so you can buy something like one of these snazzy reading
lamps (or anything else you want!). How cool is that???
3) And to commemorate this awesome melding of Tenner and Deb love, I am also including a butt-load (yeah, a real measurement according to of Tenner and Deb bookmarks, including Princess for Hire, The Vespertine, Prophecy of Days, Losing Faith, Cinderella Society, Freefall, and a bunch more. Like I said, people, a butt-load…look it up.
You have until midnight on Thursday, August 12th to make your comment count!
I’ve invited an awesome guest blogger, rounded up some pretty cool prizes (maybe you could pick something comfy for your bed!), and now you will have the chance to win.
Guest blog + Prizes = EPIC WIN!!!
Now that’s my kind of math right there!
First, the guest blogger. When I joined the Debs in early 2009, I joined a group of amazing writers, one of whom was this outspoken, gregarious, warm, and hilarious lady named Aprilynne Pike. You might know her, author of NYT bestsellers WINGS and SPELLS?!?! Yeah, that’s her…
Well, I’ve invited Aprilynne today to introduce a fellow Harper gal, a Tenner debut author whose book comes out THIS might have heard a little something about this book too, it’s called PARANORMALCY by uber-blogger extraordinaire (and, yes, she is just as adorable in real life!) Kiersten White. (And it may or may not be involved in the contest I mentioned!)
Aprilynne actually blurbed PARANORMALCY, saying: “PARANORMALCY seduced me. The two sexy paranormals who vie for Evie’s affections each had their own victory: one won Evie’s heart and the other won mine.”
I’ve read it, and I have to agree, it’s freakin’ great!!!
So, here she is, everyone, my friend Aprilynne Pike with some hilarious (as only Aprilynne would see it!) advice on writing:
Writing is Exhausting!
We often hear among author circles about the need to eat healthy and exercise because well, the acronym BIC (Butt In Chair) means that a lot of us do keep our butts firmly in our chairs for several hours a day and . . . well, those butts tend to expand.:D (Not to mention that yummy snacks seriously help facilitate the writing process! No really! They do!)
No one seems to mention that writing is its own form of exercise. Not the kind of exercise that will give you nicely toned thighs or bulging biceps, but I maintain that writing is its own kind of physical exertion nonetheless. I remember when I was in the process of writing Wings, I had this one day. It was a dream day! A day when the scene was so crystallized in my head and the words were flowing and everything was perfect! I walked out of my office that day (in my pajamas *ahem*) and flung the door open and said, very melodramatically, “I wrote a good scene!” And I was exhausted! I was a little sweaty too. (I know, TMI, but it relates!)
Writing can be a seriously physical experience, especially when you are writing intense scenes. Case in point, I am in the process of writing the fourth Wings book (don’t worry, you aren’t behind the times. The third one isn’t out yet. Writers just have to stay WAY ahead of schedule.) and about ¾ of this book is climax. It is seriously intense. I come out of my office every day rather emotionally wrung out and physically tired!
On top of that, I live in Phoenix where it is currently about 111 degrees. Also, humid since it is monsoon season. (Note to self, I need to buy a fan for my office!)
So all you writers out there, do try to eat well and get exercise, but don’t start thinking you are just turning into a lazy slob if, no matter what you do, you feel terribly exhausted at the end of the day. Tell your friends that they should try killing people and making people fall in love and make-out every day! It’s a tough job, but luckily, I’m the one who gets to do it!
I told you, she’s awesome! And TMI, Aprilynne? Never! (Confession: I don’t really understand TMI…is there really such thing as TMI???)
Okay, moving on, here are the contest deets:
All you have to do is leave a comment, just one, and that’s it. A comment. Preferrably a nice one, because, c’mon, I’m gonna give you stuff.
What am I gonna give you, you ask???

2) CSN has generously donated a $60 gift certificate to any one of their 200+ stores, so you can buy something like one of these snazzy reading

3) And to commemorate this awesome melding of Tenner and Deb love, I am also including a butt-load (yeah, a real measurement according to of Tenner and Deb bookmarks, including Princess for Hire, The Vespertine, Prophecy of Days, Losing Faith, Cinderella Society, Freefall, and a bunch more. Like I said, people, a butt-load…look it up.
You have until midnight on Thursday, August 12th to make your comment count!
name: monica
sithereandread (at) gmail (dot) com
Great post!
- Darla
robin.reul (at) gmail (dot) com
Cassandra c
cassandra dot crouser at yahoo dot ca
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
- Sandy
Love, Hannah
mireyahwolfe @ gmail . com
melodiourevelry (at) gmail (dot) com
Its hard to sit all the time without doing exercise but I mean you're at the same time practicing your love for writing
basma(dot)aal (at)gmail (dot)com
Lol, I love that! Writing definitely isn't the easiest thing to do and it's very exhausting, but it is worth it when you come up with that awesome however-many pages :)
hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com
And Paranormalcy eee! I am so very excited about this book!
Thanks for this awsome giveaway!
I really enjoy paranormal/supernatural YA books.
So this is a great taste of book or me.
thanks for the giveaway!
~Sara S
-Elizabeth :)
plus I have been waiting for this one
Pretty awesome contest here, so thank you very much!
It wears you out and boggles your mind. When you can't focus nothing else works. It gets to you.
Email address:
Name: Kristina
Aprilynne, you are absolutely right - writing is exhausting but in a good way. Do wish it helped with sculpting the butt, though. That would be nice!
- Jennifer
jsfoushee (at) gmail (dot) com
I think as a reader, you can really tell when an author breaks a sweat while writing the book.
Thank you for the guest post and the giveaway!
entrelibros_blog at
Thanks for the contest!
swordsforfighting at yahoo dot como
And that is SO TRUE about writing being tiring. I mean seriously, if you're writing a fight scene, then you (mentally) act out the scene. And then your arms are tired, and you maybe pulled a muscle in your leg kicking or you knocked your head on a keyboard (or maybe that's just because you're frustrated...)
Great post! And great prizes! I'd love to be entered :)
I know blogging isn't REALLY the same thing as writing a novel, but I've noticed that when I blog frequently, my writing improves. And it is a mental workout to find the right words to describe a novel.
I follow on gfc
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
Donna S
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
P.S. - I think you meant CSN instead of CVS. Although, CVS is great for personal care items I'd rather win some cool furniture from CSN. ;)
AllThingsUrbanFantasy AT gmail DOT com
I can't wait for Paranormalcy!!!
-Alejandra Salcedo
erika lynn
Thank you so much for the giveaway! Have been dying to read Paranormalcy!
bookoholiker AT gmail DOT com
That said, Paranomalcy has been added to my "to read" list and I can't wait to read it. Definately looking forward to it.
Keep these guest blogs coming! They're great!! (OMG, I just sounded like Tony the Tiger...)
I'm dying to read this! Hopefully it's as good as The Body Finder!
ElizabethRyann (at) gmail (dot) com.
So I have to agree with you Pike, writing is in it's own way a form of exercise.
Anyways! I want Paranormalcy, I keep hearing fantastic reviews!! Pick me!!
My name: Lacey
Katelyn Burton
Name: Tori, or Victoria
Thanks for this awsome giveaway!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway! :)
mb @ marybethsmith . com
name: Nicole
ohlookbook (at) gmail (dot) com
:) Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Alex @
I love it! My stomach is shrinking already!
Thanks for putting together a great contest.
mcdonaldrenee1 (at) gmail (dot) com
loved the guest post - will definitely be looking into her books! xD
And I'm dying to read Paranormalcy.
Love all of you guys' blog (and books)!
(side note: Just a joke. I love those glittering vamps too ;p )
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
My name is Lynn and I'm a Professional Blogger. I have more than 3+ yrs of experience writing for the web and have covered plenty of interesting topics.
I came across your blog and was wondering if you would be interested in allowing me to write relevant & useful topics on your blog at no cost.
At this point of my writing career, I simply want to get more visibility for my writing and I will write for free as long as you are fine with me adding a small author bio section following the blog post about myself.
Please let me know if you are interested and if you'd like for me to submit a sample blog post for your approval.
Thanks a bunch,