Tell The Truth Tuesday…
One of the things I hate about the world-o-publishing are all of the secrets. I think I’ve said this before, but I am not a good secret-keeper. All the secret-keeping makes me shut down. Aka, blog silence. Have you noticed the blog silence??? Yeah, there are secrets. And I really, really hate keeping ‘em.
Also, I got word today that my publisher is pretty much out of Desires of the Dead ARCs.
The good news: That means that DESIRES was highly requested.
The bad news: That means most reviewers will now have to wait until there are finished copies. Boo!
Unless, of course, I have a contest.
I totally think I should have a contest soon, don’t you?
In other news, it was pointed out to me today that I blink a lot. Excessively, even. (Yes, mom, I was listening…I get it, I blink too much!)
Actually, I was the first one to bring it up after watching a video of myself, and my mom only confirmed what I already suspected: I am a super-blinker!
Also, I got word today that my publisher is pretty much out of Desires of the Dead ARCs.
The good news: That means that DESIRES was highly requested.
The bad news: That means most reviewers will now have to wait until there are finished copies. Boo!
Unless, of course, I have a contest.
I totally think I should have a contest soon, don’t you?
In other news, it was pointed out to me today that I blink a lot. Excessively, even. (Yes, mom, I was listening…I get it, I blink too much!)
Actually, I was the first one to bring it up after watching a video of myself, and my mom only confirmed what I already suspected: I am a super-blinker!
The good news: My eyelids are incredibly strong.
The bad news: I look like I'm having some sort of seizure on camera.
Seriously, though, I think I may have some sort of dry eye thing going on…since…well, forever. Anyway, I’m gonna have to get that checked out. Next time you see a video of me, I won’t even blink. Not once. It’ll be freaky.
In a totally cool, I’m-so-hot, look-at-me-not-blinking kind of way, of course.
*taps foot impatiently!*
Also, I've now met you--twice--and can confirm that I've never noticed any blinking issues. And you don't want to end up looking like Haley Joel Osmett in A.I. It's freaky when someone doesn't blink! (well...he's just kind of freaky in general).
Also--you know I'm good at sharing secrets, wink wink, nudge nudge, if you're desperate to spill!
By the way, I didn't notice any incessant blinking! Granted, I was eating my tacos like I was at a trough, but still... between snarfing I didn't see any blinking. For realz.
I just finished THE BODY FINDER (I know, I'm super late to the game), and can't say enough about the balance of the book. I'm still trying to figure out how you had a young adult love story/gripping thriller, and included the paranormal aspect with such grace. I loved it, and can't wait for Desires of the Dead!
Frankie - I'll keep that in mind...and you do the same. *wink*
Ivy - I think the giveaway is inevitable at this point... ;)
And Jess - THANK YOU! I'm so glad you liked it!!!
Congrats, though! I am totally unsurprised that Desires of the Dead is in demand right now :D The Body Finder is such an amazing book. I, myself, am rooting for book 2.