I just want to thank Hana, who sent me this super awesome amazing link and fueling my (NOT out-of-control!) mascara habit.

Hello, Sephora Sampler! *sigh*


is Sephora a US store? I've not heard of it? (canadian)
Little Ms J saidā€¦
Conversation with Mr. J:

Mr. J: Do you really think you should be wearing mascara while you're pregnant?

Me: Of course! I can't let people see my real face!

Mr. J: Well, I was watching Billy the Exterminator and he said that mascara was made from bat guano.

Me: Well, he also said that they kill the bacteria in the poop.

Mr. J (under his breath): And we're having a girl.... (insert big hearty sigh).
Kimberly Derting saidā€¦
Hmm, it must be US then, Library Gal :)

LMJ - OMG, I just realized your news...a girl!?!?! Congrats to you and Mr. J!!!!!!
Candyland saidā€¦
It's funny you posted this because I received some Sephora make-up I'd ordered in the mail yesterday and in the catalog, saw this AND THOUGHT OF YOU!
Krispy saidā€¦
I love Sephora's sets. They're amazing! I just bought a bunch of stuff there.
Hana saidā€¦
i'm awesome :)
My wife would love this, thanks for the Christmas idea.

(she will be surprised and impressed - thanks for making me look good)