Some EXCITING(!!!) Event News…

First, I’m going to be at Oregon’s WORDSTOCK Festival in October! And while this alone is enough to get me really excited, I’ve also have a juicy secret that I can now share with everyone: The organizers at WORDSTOCK were able to convince/Jedi mind-trick Simon & Schuster into having THE PLEDGE available for sale at the event…way, way before the release date!!!

How early? Anyone at WORDSTOCK in October will be able to buy THE PLEDGE six weeks before anyone else!!!! SIX WEEKS!

**confetti cannons**

Also, just a reminder that if you don’t have plans this coming Sunday, or for that matter even if you do, you should totally drop everything and come to the Summer Reading Extravaganza at Third Place Books in Seattle! I’ll be there rubbing elbows with my rock star friends Mandy Hubbard, Suzanne Young, Lisa Schroeder, Cat Patrick, and Eileen Cook.

Trust me, it’s going to be a blast and you won’t want to miss it! And we may or may not have goodies for those who attend. I’m just saying it’s totally possible. ;)

**confetti cannons**

(Note to self: I really need to buy a confetti cannon.)


Lacey Devlin said…
Color me jealous. I don't suppose you and The Pledge want to head to Australia instead? We'll find you a koala to hug. I bet they don't have one of those at Oregon's Wordstock Festival!
Lacey - Now I'm jealous...I totally want to hug a koala! Now I need to devise a plan to move Wordstock to Sydney... ;)
Lacey Devlin said…
Yes! Excellent. Move it all to Sydney. I'll meet you in the airport with said Koala ;-)