I wanted to thank those of you who came out to celebrate the launch of THE PLEDGE! For the rest of you, here are some pics of the awesome event B&N put together:
Why yes, they had a drink in honor of THE PLEDGE...and it was delish!
(My helpers!)
Apparently this was a very moving part of the book. Or I just make weird faces while I talk.
Look...they even had a "Kim Derting Recommends" end-cap! Even though they were missing several of the recs I sent them (Wicked Lovely, The Summoning, City of Bones, Possess, A Need So Beautiful...) it was still very, very cool!!! (Also, I like how I "recommended" my own books!)
James - I was hoping I'd get to meet your sister...maybe next time ;)
Rachel - I hope you like it!!!
Kaylaleebug - Aw, I feel terrible that you didn't make it :(