Check Out All The Cool Places I'll Be...(Tour News!)

I’m thrilled to finally announce that I’ll be a part of HarperTeen’s upcoming Dark Days of Supernatural Tour with authors Dan Wells (PARTIALS) and Jill Hathaway (SLIDE)! This of course means that I’ll be in a town near you very soon...assuming you live anywhere near these places, which I really hope you do!  And if not, can you say Family Road Trip?  What a great excuse to pack up the kiddos, the dog and the cat, and hit the open road.  There will be lots and lots of goodie giveaways, fabulous prizes, and a mountain of cookies!  (Okay, so I’m not 100% sure about the cookies, but how cool would that be?!?!)   

And if a mountain of delicious cookies (maybe...maybe not...) isn’t enough to entice you to come out, then I’m sure these fabulous bookstores are: 
First up is Dayton, Ohio, where I've never, ever (did I mention never?) been before! 

Wednesday, April 18th
Books & Co
4453 Walnut Street
Dayton, OH   45440

Second is Chicago (or rather Naperville), where I've been twice already and love-love. Like, I-could-kiss-you-all-in-Naperville kind of love. 

Thursday, April 19th
Anderson’s Bookshop
123 West Jefferson
Naperville, IL 60540

And lastly, Boston. BOSTON! I've never been there either!!!
Friday, April 20th
Barnes & Noble                                
98 Middlesex Turnpike
Burlington, MA

I’ll also be in Chicago for Romanic Times (where The Last Echo will be available almost an entire week early!), and in Portland, Oregon at Powell’s on April 24th. Check out my Event's Page for all the tedious details, like times and dates and stuff. might be too soon to say for sure, but we’re in the (early) planning stages of a signing in London in the near future.  Since I’ve never been before, I couldn’t be more excited!  As soon as I know, you will too!   


Sheepa said…
Sheepa - That's what I said too!!!
Francesca said…
Kimberly, if you come in UK, I'll travel from France to meet you! I'm so excited!
That would be awesome, Francesca!!!
E. Arroyo said…
Finally, something near Chi-town! I gotta check my schedule. =)
HOTDOG!!! I'm going to RT and was sorta bummed that I wouldn't have the Last Echo to get signed, cursing the timing of RT! But this so great!! I can buy the third book and get is signed to match my set that I won a loooooong time ago!!! YAY!!!
Jill Hathaway said…
I'll be at RT, too! We'll see a ton of each other in April! :)
E. Arroyo - Hopefully I'll get to meet you :)

Jessica - There's nothing better than a matched set! Plus, I'd love to see you there!

Jill - Just YAY!!!
Erica said…
Oh my gosh! I am so excited. I have missed you both times you've been at Andersons before, and I'll get to see you in Boston now :)
Hannah Jayne said…
I'll be at RT, too! I'll buy you a drink to thank you for totally fueling my Echos addiction... :)
Ingreads. said…
London, London, London! Yay! I hope you come here soon :D
Sallie Mazzur said…
How awesome is it that you'll be in Boston in April!?!?!?! There are so many book tours I would have loved to have gone to, but living in Rhode Island doesn't give me those opportunities.

I'm excited to see all three of you fabulous and amazing authors there! (Now I just have to convince my sister to make the long drive up with me...)

Question, will all of your books, the Body Finder series and The Pledge, as well as all of Dan Wells books, the I Am Not A Serial Killer series and Partials, as well as available for signing/discussion?? I'm new to book tours, so I wasn't sure if it was just to promote the new releases or all of the books by the authors...

Ok, that looks like I'm shouting at you but seriously... if you come to London, I'm so there!
It's looking like London in May, but I'll definitely keep things updated as I know more!!!

And, Sallie, generally the stores have all the books available, not just the current ones. So my answer is yes, probably...but you could always call ahead just to be sure!