A Writer's Life: Knowing Your Characters

Getting to Know Your Characters 

Sometimes plot can overtake your writing life. What's the biggest plot twist you can come up with? When should the inciting incident happen? Should you have a big fight scene at the end where everyone dies...but not really? 

That's cool, you know, because plot is awesome.

But there are times when plot can overshadow character, and you don't want to sacrifice those characters in the process! A good character can write a plot all by his or herself. That's why it's always good to get to know your character as much as possible before you get started. Here are a few ways to do that: 

1. Ask Her (or Him) Questions 

What would your character say? This might sound insane, but asking them questions will help you get to know your protagonist! What's her favorite food? Her fondest memory? Soon you'll begin to compile moments in time that your character remembers and cherishes, which is awesome writing material.

2.  Get Into Her Head  

Try to dedicate a few minutes out of the day to really get into your character's head. Make a solid effort to see the world the way she sees it, and maybe that can help with your characterization. Thoughts translate to words, and if you try to sift through your character's thoughts, writing her will be so much easier! 

3. Let Your Character Speak for His or Herself

While you are writing, make sure to let your protagonist speak for herself. It's easy for us to get in our own heads and stay there, but if you push yourself to keep your character's voice at the forefront of your mind, writing will be easier! 

That's it--a few good ways to keep your protagonist at the front of your brain! Have fun getting to know your characters, and, as always, if you have tips or trick so of your own, post them below!


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